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Sugar Free Dried Cherries

011_Dried_4.tifWe've received a lot great comments about our new sugar free dried cherries. Now that these popluar cherries are back in stock, I wanted to share some additional information on the different types of cherries we have and what makes them different. The biggest difference is between the dried sour cherries and the natural, sugar free variety. As the name suggested, the no sugar ones have no infused sweetness. However, since they are a fruit, they do have natural fructose. This is the natural sweetness in all fruit. So these simply don't have anything infused into them. The next difference is the organic and the non-organic cherries. When stated on our website, they are certificed by Orgeon Tilthe. This is one of the leading organic certification companies today. What is nice they are the Michigan dried cherries. However, due to shortages and crop failures and such they may able come from other areas including Washington, etc. To recap, we the sugar free cherries, the regular, the organic and the non-organic for the dried fruit. On the more sinful side, we do have the michigan chocolate covered dried cherries. Also, if you're look for bulk and wholesale pricing, we do have those quantities available, too.
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