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Tart cherry supplement

The tart cherry supplement, cherry juice concentrate, the powder made from of the Michigan-grown, Montmorency tart cherry and more are all different ways of getting this antioxidant-packed dried fruit. In addition, individuals looking for the natural health benefits can also enjoy the dried and frozen cherries, too. However, if you're like most of our customers with a demanding lifestyle of work, play and everything in between you may want to consider the tart cherry supplement over the other varities. The reason for this choice is simple. It works. One of the greatest benefits of this type of the product is it is very convenient. Here is what one of our customers recently told us why her and her husband like the cherry capsule supplement: "We have been taking your cherry capsules for four years and love them! We travel from Michigan to Florida and back every year and they are very easy to travel in the motorhome with." Rhonda Not only are they more convenient then the juice, but they deliver the specific antioxidant capacity of five glasses of the cherry juice without the sugar. This is vital to those looking to get the specific antioxidant power of the cherry while not having to worry about mixing it into a juice or refrigerating it before or after they open the bottle.
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