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Delicious Tart Cherry Recipes

[caption id="attachment_1056" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Cherry Juice"]Cherry Juice in Hollywood[/caption] Tart cherries make an excellent addition to almost any recipe. You can add cherries and cherry juice to both hot and cold dishes. To the left is a photo of one of events we have attended to share our products. This is was tent event in the Hollywood Hills, California. When this photo was taken, everything was still getting set up for the upcoming show. During this event we introduced many in Hollywood to the great taste of our tart cherry and cherry juice products. We shared some recipes that included our dried cherries, cherry salsa, chocolate-covered dried cherries, cherry juice and more. Below is one of our tables. This table included dried cherries, chocolate-covered dried cherries and more. The chocolate-covered cherries and dried cherries are in the black plastic containers while tasty cherry desserts were available for a quick treat on the 3-riser plate stand. In this blog we have a number of great tasting cherry recipes for all occasions. Make your own party with these great tasting cherry recipes. [caption id="attachment_1057" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Cherry Juice from Fruit Advantage"]Cherry Juice[/caption]
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