Dark cherry juice? That is a question our inbound call center received a new customer earlier today. After talking with the potential and now new customer and explaining the difference between the dark cherry juice, sometimes also called sweet and the red cherry juice, sometimes called sour cherry juice, we have included the answer for your information. One of the biggest differences between the red and dark juice is the dark has more naturally occuring sugar, thus the name sweet, while the sour has less naturally occuring sugar. Althought the dark has had some research conducted on it over the years, it is the sour that has catch the attention of food researchers of late. Many of the leading medical universities and food research organizations have conducted tests and analysis on the sour variety of this fruit and the cherry juice. The Montmorency variety is the one that has been researched of late. In fact, one of the first universities to research this variety of the fruit great detail was Michigan State University based in East Lansing, Michigan. Over a decade ago it was MSU that first discovered the amazing benefits of the anthocyanins in the tart cherry. Although there are over 350 different varities of the anthocyanins in nature the cherry offers some excellent anthocyanins too.