Why is February Called National Cherry Month?
In many parts of the country, February still brings snowy days and cold nights...
However, February also brings us one month closer to the warmer weather of spring and summer and nothing says warm weather is approaching than blossoms on the trees.
Soon, millions of cherry blossoms will begin to appear in Washington DC.
February is rich in history and folklore about the little red super fruit of cherries. So let's learn more about why February is called National Cherry Month.
February earned the title of National Cherry Month because is includes both President's Day and Washington's Birthday. The "alleged chopper of the cherry tree", our first President is deeply rooted in folklore. When young George Washington's father ask who chopped down a cherry tree on the family farm, the young Washington replied, “I cannot tell a lie, I chopped down the cherry tree.” This event helped to link Washington and cherries forever to February.
President's Day is also in the second month of the year. Our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln also celebrates a birthday in February.
The National Cherry Blossom Festival held in Washington DC is also in February. This is an annual event where millions of cherry blossoms can be seen throughout Washington DC. Over the years, several of us from
Traverse Bay Farms have traveled to Washington DC during the National Cherry Blossom Festival. Once people learn we are from Michigan and sell tart cherry juice, they always ask us why tart cherry juice is good for arthritis.
The cherry event is breathtaking during every visit. Check out these National Cherry Month Blossoms...
The annual celebration started in 1912 when the people of Japan sent 3,000 cherry trees to the people of the United States to celebrate friendship between the two great nations.
Check out this video below about National Cherry Month and additional facts about cherries:
Check out these great items about National Cherry Month History
The Facts About Cherry Trees
Did you know each cherry tree grows enough cherries to produce 700 cherry pies.
Bees, Cherry Blossoms and Where Cherries are Grown
Check out our Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate , tart cherry capsules and more
Learn how cherry can help to manage arthritis pain, too.