The news about the sleep benefits of cherry juice gets better every day. According to research published in the December 2012 edition of the European Journal of Nutrition cherry juice helps with overall length of sleep and sleep quality. What is impressive about this research is it was conducted using one ounce of cherry juice concentrate for the study. Two tablespoons equal one ounce and each ounce of cherry juice concentrate is the equivalent to about 100 cherries. The tart cherry concentrate was then mixed with 7 ounces of water to make a 100% pure glass of the juice.
Cherry Juice and Sleep
The study was conducted on 20 participants (equally divided between men and women) with the average age of 26.6. The researches randomly provided the participants with either the tart cherry juice or a placebo. The individuals then drank a full glass in the morning and another glass in the evening. The study then analyzed two different results including the melatonin in the urine and sleep efficiency. For the urine testing, the results showed increased levels the melatonin in the urine of those individuals that consumed the juice, when compared those drinking the placebo. In addition, those who drank the juice also enjoyed an average of an additional 34 minutes of total sleep time, compared the placebo drink. The juice drinkers also enjoyed an increase quality of sleep, too. The researchers also noted that Montmorency tart cherry cherries contain high levels of melatonin naturally. So if you’re looking for a natural way to enjoy a more restful night’s sleep, enjoy a glass of the tart cherry. For the Month of September, we are offering free shipping when you order 6 bottles of our 100% pure Montmorency tart cherry juice concentrate. Here is a link to learn how you can take advantage of this free shipping offer on our tart cherry juice concentrate. Here is additional research information on tart cherry and sleep: