I wanted to share some quick-n-easy cherry juice breakfast recipes. A lot of our customers are asking about other ideas to use our products. Over the next several days, I would like to share some recipe ideas you can make for breakfast, lunch and dinner. With the weekend fast approaching those are a great to enjoy to start a relaxing weekend. In this post, I have two recipes and they are cherry yogurt and a cherry omelet. We look forward to hearing your comments on these great tasting breakfast recipes.Cherry Yogurt:
6 oz of plain or vanilla yogurt (The fastest way is to simply use the Yoplait 6 oz containers)
1 oz of Fruit Advantage cherry juice concentrate (two tablespoons)
Additional ideas: Toss in some frozen (sliced) or dried cherries or blueberries. As always, if you use dried fruit, soak the fruit in water briefly to soften them up before adding to the cooler temperature yogurt.
Cherry Omelet
2 eggs
6 thawed frozen cherries
¼ tablespoon black pepper
1/8 teaspoon basil
1/8 chopped onion
¼ cup grated parmesan cheese
¼ cup fresh garlic
½ teaspoon cherry juice concentrate
Heat pan and place butter, onions and garlic, fry to bring out the flavor. Add the thawed cherries, black pepper, cherry juice concentrate, eggs and let mixture cook until firm. Add the cheese, fold from pan and serve