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Pure black cherry juice

What is the difference between the pure black cherry juice and the pure tart cherry juice? That is a question we get asked a lot from individuals contacting us via our call center,  email and blog comments. One of the biggest difference between the black (also called sweet)  and the tart (also called red or sour) is the amount of naturally occuring sugar. For many people, sugar content is vital to know. The reason is many are watching their overall sugar intake not only for overall sugar intake but also for health issues including diabetes. For example, the sugar content in each serving the Fruit Advantage tart cherry juice concentrate is only 15mg, while in the dark juice, it is 28mg or more. That's almost a 100% increase in the amount of sugar consumed from just one glass. In addition, the tart variety has more published studies then the sweet variety. Over the 10 years or so a number of medical universities and research organizations have conducted and published research on the natural health benefits of this tiny red fruit. This means a lot of the research you have read recently has been conducted on the sour and not the sweet cherry. Check out the webinar we conducted about the natural health benefits of the tart cherry.
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