Did you know your lifestyle habits may be exacerbating your joint pain? That’s right increased arthritis pain may be linked to bad habits. Simple habits that you’re doing without even realizing may be causing you pain.
Unfortunately, pain is common for people with arthritis. Over time, it may lead to the erosion of cartilage and bone around the afflicted joints. This may lead to a weakening of the surrounding ligaments, tendons and even the muscles as well.
That is why it is vital to learn how to manage your pain by starting or changing simple daily habits.
Check out these 7 habits that may worsen your joint pain.
#1: Ignoring Joint Pain
Pain can be a sign a certain area of your body needs a little extra attention. While the old saying “No Pain, No Gain” may be a good idea under certain circumstances such as exercising, when it comes to managing joint pain, in general, ignoring pain is a bad idea.
Here are a few simple ideas to help reduce straining joints during daily activities, such as using lever handles instead of doorknobs that twist. Also, consider using an electric can opener instead of a manual one.
Finally, consider using a folding keyword for you iPhone or iPad. This may reduce strain in your fingers and thumbs from the repetitive activity of over-texting.
#2: Eating Inflammatory Causing Foods
Enjoying a bacon double cheeseburger with French fries, washing it down with a mixed alcoholic drink or beer and topping it all off with a chocolate cupcake for dessert sounds yummy, but your body and joints may disagree.
Over the years, I have to admit, I’ve enjoyed that meal countless of times, but as I get older my body and joints don’t want me to eat that type of food anymore. 😊
The reason is the over consumption of foods containing artificial trans fats, high-fructose corn syrup, high sugar content and processed meats may lead to inflammation in the joints and body. The goal is to keep inflammation down by enjoying anti-inflammatory foods like cherry juice, whole grains and fatty fish.

#3: Not Moving Much
Joint pain may increase the desire to remain sedentary. Unfortunately, joint pain may make it more difficult to get up and get moving. However, did you know, regular physical activity may actually help to reduce joint pain.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), individuals should get 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week. This may include walking the neighborhood, water aerobics at the local YMCA or simply morning stretches. The goal is to maintain flexibility, strength and mobility. Many are drinking cherry juice daily to maintain healthy joints, flexibility and mobility. However, it is always a good idea to speak with your health care provide before you start any exercise routine.
#4: Stress and Anxiety
Getting stress in today’s modern world seems to be the normal for many people. However, managing stress is important when it comes to managing your joint pain. The reason is increased levels stress and anxiety tend to exaggerate joint point.
According to research, increased levels of stress and anxiety tends to release more stress fighting chemicals in the body. Thus, increased levels tend to increase inflammation, thus increased levels of pain. Taking a walk, mediation, prayer and simply getting outdoors are a few ways to relieve stress naturally.
Download a free copy of the Break Free from Stress Handbook
#5: Smoking or Chewing Tobacco
According to research, smoking tobacco not only affects your cardiovascular system it also may cause an increase in inflammation throughout your body including your joints. Basically, nicotine, whether smoked or chewed, tends to cause the body to increase neutrophils. These are a certain type of white blood cells that release molecules and may lead to inflammation.
#6: Overexerting Yourself
As you begin to follow the ideas in this article to help to reduce joint naturally, you may want to “make up for lost time” and overexert yourself during exercise. While it is important to remain active, it’s better to start slow and talk with your doctor or health care provider before starting any exercise routine.
#7: Not Getting Enough Strength Training
Strength training helps to build strengthen muscles and tendons around your joints. Here is what Terry K. from Columbus, OH recently shared with us about how she “stays strong”. Here are a few of the simple ideas she recently shared and I would like to share them with you:
#1: Do triceps curls with soup cans
#2: While bathing, pretend you’re pedaling a bike
#3: Do a morning stretch before you get out of bed
Prior to starting a strength training routine, consult with your doctor or certified personal trainer.
Learn more about healthy joints - The Crimes We Make Against Our Joints
also Drink a Cherry Pie to Stop Arthritis Pain
Reduce Stress and Inflammation Naturally
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.