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Benefits Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate

Benefits of Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate

Tart cherry juice concentrate is fast becoming the drink of choice for those looking to ease joint pain, soothe achy muscles, get more sleep and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

Cherry juice concentrate is made from Montmorency tart cherries. The Montmorency tart cherry is most grown in the Traverse Bay Farms region of Northwestern Lower Michigan. The farming region of Michigan grows over 65% of all of the tart cherries in the United States.

The cherry juice concentrate is the first step when making a glass of 100% pure cherry juice. Concentrate is simply one of the products that can be made from tart cherries. Best of all, this red fruit drink not only offers great taste but is packed full of natural health benefits.

What are Tart Cherries?

Mother Nature provides dozens of tart cherries to enjoy. Tart cherries are also known as red, pie or sour cherries. The more popular types are the Balaton, Morello and the Montmorency. Balaton is also grown in the cherry region of Michigan.

Tart Cherry Verse Sweet Cherries

No matter the variety of tart cherry, they naturally contain less sugar than the sweet cherries. This is why you’ll find the tart cherry mainly used for baking, recipe additions, making tart cherry juice concentrate and tart cherry capsules.

Researchers have also discovered the tart cherries have higher amounts of melatonin, anthocyanins and antioxidants than sweet cherries. The sweet cherries are also known as sweet or purple cherries. The higher amounts of melatonin and other health benefits is why many are drink cherry juice concentrate daily.

Health Tip:

Add two ounces of tart cherry juice concentrate to your daily routine to help enjoy benefits of easing joint pain, improving sleep and reduce muscle soreness.

---- Buy Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate ----


Cherry Juice Concentrate Sleep Aid

A number of studies have been conducted on cherry concentrate and tart cherry juice. Check out these studies on the sleep efficacy of tart cherries.

Cherry Juice Study #1: 20 participants drink either 30ml of cherry juice concentrate or a placebo. They drink the juice 30 minutes before going sleep and after waking. Those drinking the cherry juice concentrate enjoy 39 more minutes of average sleep per night.

Cherry Juice Study#2: People in the study drank servings (8-ounces) of tart cherry juice after waking for two weeks. The cherry group saw improvement in the amount of time they remained enjoyed more rest. Learn more about the cherry juice sleep remedy

Health Tip:

Drink 1-ounce of cherry juice concentrate, mixed with water daily. This is the dosage we suggest on our cherry juice concentrate bottles.

Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate for an Antioxidant Boost

Nutritionists suggest people should consume 3000+ ORAC units per day. One ounce (2 tablespoon) delivers a whooping 5,000+ ORAC units. This means one glass of tart cherry juice provides the body will all of the recommended daily units for fighting free radicals.

Health Tip:

Tart cherry juice concentrate is an excellent addition to recipes as a flavor enhancement. In addition, simply add to water or sparkling water for a refreshing cherry drink. Read about Cherry Nutrition Facts

Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate and Joint Pain

The published research shows in the Journal of Food Studies, the participants where divided in a cherry group and a placebo group. Those who drank the tart cherry juice concentrate twice a day for the study period experienced less knee arthritis than the placebo group. The anti-inflammatory markers for the cherry juice concentrate drinkers show significant reduction. Lower inflammation results in less pain and it reduces inflammation.

How to Buy Cherry Juice Concentrate

With all of the options available to buy cherry concentrate, here is a list of what to look for when buying cherry juice drink.

Cherry Juice Concentrate Glass Bottles

Avoid plastic leaching with Cherry concentrate glass bottles. Plastic leaching is well-known in the cherry concentrate industry. This is when the plastic molecules of the bottles are “leached” or pulled directly into the product. Any food product that is bottled in plastic bottles has the change to leach the plastic from the bottle.

Michigan-Grown Montmorency Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate

Many of the cherry juice products sold on the internet and in stores are made with imported cherries from China, Turkey or Poland. Make sure the read the label and look to ensure the labels says Montmorency Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate

Check out our label. You will see we only use Montmorency cherries to make our cherry concentrate.

Fruit Advantage Montmorency Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate

Sediment-Free Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate

Sedimentation is the thick sludge that settles on the bottom of the bottle of cherry concentrate. This can happen for a number of reasons including:

  • Poor quality of juice concentrate used
  • The use of older and outdated cherry concentrate
  • A poor or inferior bottling process
  • A poor shipping and packaging method.

Traverse Bay Farms is the only company in the entire cherry juice concentrate industry to offer a sediment-free tart cherry concentrate guarantee. This is a guarantee our cherry juice product will not have any building of sedimentation on the bottle of the glass bottle.

The reason we can offer this sediment-free cherry juice concentrate guarantee is we only use cherries from the most recent crop, bottle our cherry concentrate in glass bottles and follow a GMP (Good Manufacturing Process) and the facilities making cherry juice are inspected by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Free Shipping on Cherry Juice Concentrate

We also offer tart cherry juice concentrate free shipping when you order 6-bottles or 12-bottles of our cherry juice concentrate. We individually wrap each bottle of your order in bubble wrap. Each bottle is secured in at least 2 inches of bottle wrap. The helps to ensure safe packing and shipping to you. After we wrap each bottle of tart cherry juice concentrate, we'll then pack your order in a 200 pound, crush-proof box.

We have been shipping tart cherry juice since 2001, so we know how to safely get your order from our Northern Michigan Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate shipping center to your door without breakage.

How to Make Montmorency Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate

Cherry juice is made from mixing cherry juice concentrate with water. To make a 100% pure cherry juice, you would mix 1-ounce (two tablespoons) of tart cherry juice concentrate with 7-ounces to water. This will make a full glass of cherry juice.

How Much Cherry Concentrate to Drink?

While there is no official daily recommended amount from the U.S. government for the daily consumption of the tart cherry juice concentrate, many of the studies and clinical trial ask the participants to consumer 1-ounce of tart cherry juice concentrate. Depending on the purpose of the study, the researchers may have asked the participants to drink this amount of tart cherry juice concentrate once or twice daily.

When to Drink Cherry Juice Concentrate?

Most of the studies that used cherry concentrate, had the volunteers drinks the cherry concentrate either in the morning or had the drink the cherry juice for sleep. Usually about 30-45 minutes before they went to sleep.

Free Shipping on Cherry Juice Concentrate

We also offer tart cherry juice concentrate free shipping when you order 6-bottles or 12-bottles of our cherry juice concentrate. We individually wrap each bottle of your order in bubble wrap. Each bottle is secured in at least 2 inches of bottle wrap. The helps to ensure safe packing and shipping to you. After we wrap each bottle of tart cherry juice concentrate, we'll then pack your order in a 200 pound, crush-proof box.

We have been shipping tart cherry juice since 2001, so we know how to safely get your order from our Northern Michigan Cherry Juice Concentrate shipping center to your door without breakage.

Organic Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate

Drinking pesticide-free tart cherry juice concentrate is vital to enjoying a healthy drink. Our tart cherry concentrate tests out to free of additives for other contaminants. Every batch is tested for heavy metals, pesticides, etc. This means you are drinking a 100% pure glass of cherry juice when you mix our tart cherry juice concentrate with water.


  • Natural Home Remedies Tart Cherry
  • Louisiana State University Sleep Disorders Centers

Benefits of Tart Cherry Juice