Michigan Tart Cherry Juice
Michigan tart cherry juice is all the rage for those looking to reduce joint pain naturally. Pain that may be caused by physical exercise, arthritis or gout. The reason pain sufferers are searching out Michigan tart cherry juice to help relieve joint pain is because it works. You see, until recently drinking cherry juice and having the arthritis pain go away was said only to be an old wives’ tale.
However, as food scientists began researching tart cherry juice and all of the amazing health benefits it offers, drinking tart cherry juice for joint pain is now backed up by published research.
Tart Cherry Juice Gout

The patient and the doctor responsible for the proof behind the research were one in the same. It was Dr. Bly. The good doctor was confined to a wheelchair. The reason he couldn’t walk was he was suffering from a severe gout attack. It was during those painful days, Dr. Bly heard about the old wives’ tale of drinking cherry juice or eating tart cherries to get rid of the gout attack.
After learning about this miracle cure created by Mother Nature, the good doctor ate several bowls of fresh tart cherries. However, tart cherry juice wasn’t used in this initial study. After a short time, not only was he able to rise from the wheelchair and walk, but the gout attack was gone. Dr. Bly was so impressed he decided to write about his findings and have them published.
Michigan Tart Cherry Juice and Modern Research
Today, thanks to pioneering individuals like Dr. Bly, countless individuals rely on the pain fighting properties of drinking tart cherry juice. Now there is published research backing up the anti-inflammatory properties of the Michigan tart cherries. Let’s learn more about some of the recently published recent on how tart cherry juice concentrate can help to relieve the pain of sore muscles, reduce joint pain of arthritis and fend off a gout attack.
Benefit of Tart Cherry Juice
Tart Cherry Juice Inflammation
A 2013 study indicates cherries may help reduce osteoarthritis. Tart Cherry juice was used during a 6-week study with individuals suffering from stiffness.
According to the publication Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, individuals of the study were asked to drink two 8-ounce servings of tart cherry juice for the duration of the study. The results of the study showed impressive findings. This included a reduction in high-sensitivity C-reactive protein. This is a marker of inflammation.

In a 2007 study, tart cherry capsules, not tart cherry juice, was used. The study consisted of 20 patients and each participant took one cherry capsule per day for eight days.
At the end of the study, over 50-percent of individuals enrolled reported improved function and less pain. In other words, taking tart cherry capsules are also an option for joint pain sufferers. For some, tart cherry capsules may be more convenient and easier to take on a daily basis than drinking tart cherry juice.
Cherry Juice and Gout
Both men and women can be afflicted with a gout. According to the arthritis foundation, about 6 million men and 2 million women are affected by gout. Cherry juice helps to treat gout by reducing the level of uric acid in the body. A gout flare-up is caused by excess amount of uric acid. Drinking tart cherry juice can help gout suffers to manage this painful experience.

Individuals in a 2011 study, who drank 100 percent tart cherry juice every day for four weeks experienced a lower level of serum acid. Cherry juice is made from mixing cherry juice concentrate with water to make a 100 percent glass of cherry juice.
In the following year of 2012, another study was conducted using cherry juice concentrate. The results of this study showed individuals enjoyed lower levels of uric acid in the body.
In addition to having the participant drink cherry juice concentrate, the food researchers also used cherry extract. This too, was shown to have positive affect on uric acid levels. So based upon this findings in the gout uric acid study, it appears people can choice between drinking cherry concentrate or taking tart cherry extract for gout pain relieve.
An Internet Survey Including Cherry Extract and Cherry Juice
In 2015, an internet survey was conducted on patients with gout. The survey asked about gout sufferers using cherry extract, tart cherry juice and other supplements when treating a gout flair-up. According to the results of the survey, over 42 percent of the respondents said they used either cherry juice or cherry extract to their gout.
Tart Cherry Juice Chronic Inflammation
Studies find drinking tart cherry juice may also assist with reducing chronic inflammation. According to a recently published study in the journal Food & Function individuals who consumed tart cherry juice for four weeks experienced certain lower levels of biomarkers of inflammation.
The reason this is important is because chronic inflammation is associated with a number of severe health issues including cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes. The study used tart cherry juice and was conducted on ten overweight individuals with a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or more. The group consisted of eight males and two females.
Individuals were either asked to drink tart cherry juice or a placebo each day for four weeks. After the study was over, the research discovered those drinking tart cherry juice decreased certain markers of inflammation. Thus, drinking cherry juice may aid to reduce inflammation.
How Much Cherry Juice Should You Drink?
Since 2001, we have been providing tart cherry juice. Offering this all-natural product for so many years, reading the research papers and reviewing the peer-reviewed studies there is not a daily recommended for drinking tart cherry juice. However, most of the published research uses an 8-ounce glass of 100 percent cherry juice or one ounces of tart cherry juice concentrate.
In fact, to make a 100% pure glass of cherry juice, you would simple mix two tablespoons, one ounce, of cherry juice concentrate with seven ounces of water. However, according to the Arthritis Foundation, eating a handful of fresh cherries or drinking a glass of tart cherry juice may be beneficial. Enjoy the health benefits of cherry juice
About Michigan Cherry Farms
Northwestern lower Michigan grows over 65% of all of the fresh tart cherries in the United States. In addition, this area also produces a large percentage of sweet cherries, too. In addition, Traverse City, the largest city in Northern Michigan hosts the National Cherry Festival. This is an annual event that celebrates all things cherry.
Many Michigan cherry farms also offer U-pick cherries, too. This is a great way to spend a lazy summer afternoon. Simply roaming through a cherry orchard, forgetting the worries of the world, and snack on tasty cherries.

Did you know it takes the juice of approximately 100 cherries to make just one ounce of Michigan cherry juice concentrate. This is a supercharged way of enjoying the natural health benefit of Michigan tart cherries. You’ll enjoy drinking the red colored, oxidative stress reducing drink. In addition to making cherry concentrate, Michigan cherries also are used to make cherry extract, cherry salsa, jam, preserves and more.
Best of all, since Michigan cherry juice is made with Michigan cherries, you never have to worry about the cherry concentrate being imported from China, Turkey or Poland. This is vital information to know for a product that is ingested. Knowing the source of the ingredients is important.
The fastest way to learn about the ingredients of a product is to take a look at the label. For example, our Fruit Advantage Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate label clearly states made with Montmorency tart cherries. The cherries on our products use Michigan tart cherries.
Final Takeaway
If you want to enjoy the great tastes of cherries and cherry juice benefits, check out these ideas for adding the tart cherries to your daily diet:
- Drink Michigan tart cherry juice daily
- Take tart cherry capsules daily
- Add fresh cherries or cherry juice concentrate to your morning smoothie
- Some people may find it difficult to swallow capsules, if so, consider taking tart cherry powder
- Add IQF (individually quick frozen) Montmorency cherries to your morning smoothie
- Mix cherry juice concentrate with yogurt
Finally, published research shows cherry juice and cherries in general and a great way to improve sleep, aid the immune system, maintain healthy blood pressure levels and soothe muscle damage and soreness naturally.