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Tart Cherry vs Black Cherry

Tart Cherry vs Black Cherry

One of the greatest debates since the beginning of time is the “tart cherry vs black cherry”.

It seems these two varieties of cherries have been battling it out over which one is the best.

  • Which is the best for stopping joint pain?
  • Which is best for getting a more restful night’s sleep?
  • Which offers the least amount of sugar per serving?
  • Which one simply tastes better?
  • And more...

Tart cherry vs sweet cherry

A few years back we did a complete video explaining the Tart Cherry vs Black Cherry, but recently several customers have asked if they could get something they could read and not simply a video.

Would you like cherries delivered to your door? If so, learn more about:

Fresh Cherry Delivery

Fresh Tart Cherry Delivery

Check out the video explaining the difference between the tart cherry and the black cherry at bottom of this page.

So we put together the best cherry information available and created the Tart Cherry Health Report. You can download this Free Report HERE


In addition to creating the Tart Cherry Health Report, we also included some of the comparisons on this page below.


So to start, cherries, in general have been associated with reducing joint pain, soothing sore muscles and helping with sleep patterns.

However, there is a difference between the tart cherry and the black cherry.


The First Comparison to Learn About are the Anthocyanins - Find out who is the winner - Tart Cherry vs Sweet Cherry:

Anthocyanins, a phenol compound, are a naturally occurring antioxidant found in both varieties, however according to CMI, the tart variety does have a higher concentration.

Anthocyanins are responsible for giving fruit its color. However, not only this fruit, but all fruit in nature.In addition, anthocyanins act similar to a Cox-1 and Cox-2 inhibitor. This is the reason why tart cherries are the first choice for those searching for natural joint pain relief. Tart cherries have been to answer to relieving joint pain naturally for countless pain sufferers.

To date, over 350 varieties of different anthocyanins have been discovered. However, it is the synergistic way the anthocyanins found in the tart cherry work together that makes the tart variety so powerful in fighting joint pain.

Check out the comparison below to see the difference amounts of anthocyanins in each type of cherry:


  • Approximately 310 milligrams of anthocyanins in 100 grams of fruit.


  • Approximately 100 to 150 milligrams of anthocyanains per 100 grams.

Winner: The Tart

Tart Cherry Juice Vs. Black Cherry Juice

Many people are looking for the natural pain relieving properties of tart cherry juice, while reducing their sugar intake. When comparing the tart cherry juice and the black cherry, for many it is the amount of sugar that is the biggest deciding factor.

Here is a side-by-side comparison of 8 ounces of the juice of each of the varieties:

When comparing the two variety of cherry juices, the tart cherry juice offers less sugar per serving.

Winner: Tart Cherry Juice

Order Tart Cherry Juice Here


Eating and Baking with the Cherries - Tart Cherries verse Sweet Cherries:

Due to the higher natural sugar content of the black cherry, many people prefer to eat the black cherries over the tart cherries. The reason is the naturally higher sugar content makes the dark variety more palatable.

However, for baking the tart cherry is the clear winner. The majority of cherry recipes recommend using the tart cherry for baking.The reason is due to the more cherry flavor and less sugar. The final recipe will provide more of a cherry flavor, while offering less sugar.

The next time you are making a recipe involving cherries, you’ll discover the recipe calls for the use of the tart cherry.


  • Tart cherry for baking, cherry juice concentrate and tart cherry capsules
  • Dark cherry when eating the raw fruit

Video Comparing Tart Cherry vs Black Cherry:


The Final Decision:

The majority of the research conducted on the health benefits of cherries has been conducted on the tart cherry variety.

So the final decision of the tart cherry vs the black cherry is in our opinion the tart is the winner.
If you're looking for a low sugar way to get the pain relieving properties of tart cherries, check out Fruit Advantage Montmorency Tart Cherry Juice